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Privacy Policy



COPEL GROUPE, SAS with capital of 250 000 Euros, whose head office is located, 6 avenue du Général de Gaulle – le kiosk du pré du moulin – 05100 Briançon – France,

Registered under number Siren 902 146 265

APE code 8211Z in the GAP RCS.


Always Data


Patrick Trombert


éCOM Design


The brand is registered with the INPI. The site and all its elements: illustrations, locations, dimensions of the elements, etc., are subject to copyright and protected by European law. The texts are the property of their authors. It is prohibited to reproduce, represent, transfer, distribute, or record all or part of these elements, in any form whatsoever, without prior written consent. The law criminalizes under the offense of counterfeiting any reproduction, representation or distribution, by any means whatsoever, of an intellectual work in violation of the author’s rights, as defined and regulated by the law (ICC, art L.335-3). The photos and images used are our property or purchased from Adobe stock.


The personal data collected by COPEL GROUPE is intended for internal use only. Under no circumstances will this data be communicated or sold to third parties. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concerns you (art. 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law of 06/01/78). To exercise this right, contact the head office: 6 Avenue duGénéral de Gaulle, le kiosk du pré du moulin, 05100 Briançon.


The sites linked directly or indirectly to the COPEL GROUPE site are not under its control. Links to external sites are provided for convenience only and do not imply any endorsement of their content.


COPEL GROUPE ne propose aucune garantie quant à la fiabilité ou au fonctionnement de ce service. COPEL GROUPE ne peut en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable de tous dommages quels qu’ils soient, y compris mais non de façon limitative, des dommages directs, indirects, accessoires ou incidents, des pertes de bénéfices ou de l’interruption d’activité, résultant de l’utilisation ou de l’impossibilité d’utilisation de ce service.


I-/ Definitions

The terms defined below have, in this Personal Data Confidentiality Policy, the following meanings:

Offers: refers to all the offers offered by COPEL GROUPE and its Subsidiaries: Treatments, Gift Vouchers, Gift Vouchers, Subscriptions, Treatments, Products or Training.

Customer: designates the person who purchases an Offer, it being understood that the Customer may or may not be the Beneficiary of the service depending on whether he or she will make personal use of the Offer.

Beneficiary: designates the person designated by the Customer as user of the Offer.

Personal data: refers to all information allowing, particularly on the Internet, to directly or indirectly identify a natural person (surname, first name, email address).

Establishment: designates the company issuing the Offer which ensures collections, invoicing, delivery monitoring, compliance of the service and all obligations relating to the Offer.

Services: refers to all customer contacts such as telephone, website, etc.


COPEL GROUPE cares about the preservation of your personal data. The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide information on how COPEL GROUPE processes the personal data you share with us.

Please note that COPEL GROUPE sites may contain links to COPEL GROUPE websites (where this personal data privacy policy applies), or to websites not belonging to COPEL GROUPE, therefore COPEL GROUPE is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of those sites.

COPEL GROUPE, undertakes to ensure the compliance of the processing carried out in its capacity as data controller, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016 (the “GDPR”). This confidentiality policy is intended for Customers of the Offers offered by COPEL GROUPE.


The Customer is informed that when purchasing an Offer from COPEL GROUPE, the following Customer Data concerning him or her is collected (i) by telephone when making an appointment, (ii) via the website when the creation of the Customer’s personal account or (iii) in the Establishments when paying for the service or making an appointment:

The data you provide to us:

  • Coordonnées et informations personnelles, telles que Nom, Prénom, Date de naissance, Sexe, Adresse email, Numéro de téléphone, Adresse postale
  • Identifiants de comptes, tels que nom d’utilisateurs et mot de passe, indices de mots de passe et autres informations de sécurité similaires;
  • Commentaires, feedback et autres informations que vous nous communiquez, notamment les informations et messages que vous envoyez au service Client, demandes de rendez-vous.

Data from the use of our Services:

  • Computer, device and connection data, such as IP address, browser type and version, operating system, error reports or performance data, clickstream the site/navigation data
  • Operational cookies. The purposes of processing data collected via cookies and trackers as well as the management of cookies will be detailed in article 7.
  • History of services, appointments and payments.

The Customer is informed that:

  • COPEL GROUPE does not collect data necessary for the proper execution of the Offers proposed and in connection with the associated legal provisions. No sensitive data within the meaning of current legislation and regulations is collected.
  • the data is only kept for the duration of the contractual relationship expressly necessary for the purpose of the Offers.
  • COPEL GROUPE does not sell your data under any circumstances.

The Customer consents to the processing of the personal data listed above.

The Customer undertakes to only communicate accurate, complete, regularly updated data on his identity and information. COPEL GROUPE cannot under any circumstances be held liable in the event of communication of obsolete, illicit or contrary to public order data.


COPEL GROUPE only collects and processes Customer Data for the strict execution and use of the Offers it offers:

  • Provide, activate and manage your access to the Services and enable their use;
  • Process and respond to a request, order or other transaction;
  • Provide technical or other support, in order to maintain a functional, safe and secure Service;
  • Respond to your requests, information, comments and concerns;
  • Inform you of modifications, updates or other developments concerning the Services;
  • Strengthen and improve the Offerings and develop new products, services and benefits;
  • You provide promotional messages and other information about our Offers, Events and those of our affiliated companies;
  • Develop data analyses, in particular for the purposes of research, auditing, reporting and other operations relating to our activities, including to clarify the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and to evaluate our commercial performance and the establishment of statistics on the use of the Offers and Services;
  • Comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

In its capacity as data controller, and in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force, COPEL GROUPE undertakes to:

  • Collect COPEL GROUPE Customer Data only for the purposes described in article 3;
  • Implement all reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss or modification, unauthorized disclosure or
  • access and any other form of unlawful processing;
  • Restrict access to Customer data only to persons duly authorized for this purpose;
  • Raise awareness and train staff on data processing;
  • Guarantee all Customers’ rights of access, portability, deletion, rectification and opposition concerning their data collected during the use of the Services;
  • Notify the CNIL of any security breach presenting a high risk to the rights and freedoms of Customers within 72 hours of discovery of the violation;

COPEL GROUPE also takes all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and with an adequate level of protection when transferred or shared if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary for:

  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal proceedings or other legal obligations;
  • Detect, investigate and prevent security, fraud or technical issues;
  • Protect the rights, property or safety of COPEL GROUPE, our Customers, employees or other persons;
  • Share your personal data only with the subsidiary or affiliated company that needs to receive your personal data in order to provide you with the information and services you have requested.
  • As part of a corporate transaction, such as a transfer of assets, a merger, or an acquisition.

Legal basis for processing, when we collect Customer Data from you under European data protection laws, we do so:

  • With your consent or
  • When necessary, to provide you with the Service, carry out a transaction or execute a contract, or at your request or
  • If necessary, for the purposes of compliance with applicable legislation or other legal obligation or
  • To conduct our business, protect the security of our systems, Customers and users, detect or prevent fraud, enable our Customers to comply with their legal obligations or meet other legitimate interests as described in clauses article 2 “DATA A PERSONAL CHARACTER COLLECTED”, article 3 “PURPOSES OF THE PROCESSING IMPLEMENTED” and article 4 “OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY”, unless
  • your rights to confidentiality override our interests.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the following rights over your data:

  • Right of access and query: You have the possibility of asking us to find out what data COPEL GROUPE has about you.
  • Right of correction and erasure: You have the possibility to correct the data concerning you and request its erasure.
  • Right of opposition: You have the possibility to object to COPEL GROUPE using your data for a legitimate reason. The consequences of your opposition depend on the purpose for which your opposition is notified to us; for certain purposes (ARTICLE 3. PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING IMPLEMENTED) your refusal may lead us to not being able to provide you with the service or the Offers ordered.
  • Right to portability: You have the possibility of asking COPEL GROUPE to recover your personal data in order to have it in electronic format.

All of these rights can be exercised directly with COPEL GROUPE, by post to the following address: COPEL GROUPE 6 avenue du Général de Gaulle le kiosk du pré du moulin 05100 Briançon – France

  • To exercise your rights relating to your personal data, and for security purposes, COPEL GROUPE will ask you for a copy of your identity document. This copy, when requested, will be destroyed as soon as your identity is verified and, at the latest, as soon as your request is processed.
  • Envoyer des commentaires
  • Panneaux latéraux
  • Historique
  • Enregistrées

COPEL GROUPE informs the Customer that the data collected for the execution of the Services may be subject to transfer outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland, particularly the United States. , to which the Customer is hereby expressly informed.


During visits to the Site, a cookie may be automatically installed on the user’s browser software. A cookie is a small text file saved by a website on your hard drive. Cookies do not harm your computer in any way and do not contain viruses. At any time, you can deactivate the use of cookies through your browser settings. However, certain features of the Site can no longer be used. As a general rule, our websites contain cookies only for anonymous statistical evaluation purposes and to improve user navigation. If these cookies should also be useful in particular cases, you will be informed in the corresponding place.


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